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  • June 11, 2024 10:17 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    In today’s digital world, the art of face-to-face networking can sometimes seem like a quaint relic from the past. Yet, despite the convenience of LinkedIn connections and Zoom meetings, there’s undeniable value in meeting someone in person. According to a 2018 Harvard Business Review article, face-to-face requests are 34 times more successful than those made via email. This statistic alone underscores the powerful impact of personal interaction.

    Why Face-to-Face Matters

    The reason behind this effectiveness isn’t just about being physically present; it's about the human experience that comes with it. As Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, once said, “Succeeding in business is all about making the right connections.” When you meet someone in person, you engage in a shared experience, build trust more rapidly, and have a more substantial opportunity to form a lasting impression.

    Face-to-face networking allows for a richer communication experience. Non-verbal cues such as body language and eye contact contribute immensely to the way our messages are received. These subtle forms of communication can greatly enhance understanding and rapport, which are often lost in digital communication.

    Engaging in Community Events

    Participating in community events offers a unique platform for effective networking. Events such as our general membership meetings, chamber of commerce meetups, and charity events not only bolster your professional network but also strengthen community ties. Engaging in these events provides a natural, less forced environment to connect with leaders and peers who share similar interests and goals.

    Moreover, attending community events can lead to unexpected opportunities. A conversation started beside a conference buffet, for example, could lead to a breakthrough business idea or a partnership that might not have been possible online. As John C. Maxwell, a leadership expert, aptly puts it, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Showing up and participating in community activities demonstrates your commitment and passion more vividly than any online profile can.

    Building Your Network

    To start building a meaningful personal network:

    • Be Prepared: Have a clear idea of what you bring to the table and what you are looking for in connections.
    • Be Interested: Show genuine interest in the people you meet. Ask questions and listen attentively to their responses.
    • Be Engaging: Share your experiences and insights. Networking is a two-way street.
    • Follow Up: After the event, reach out with a personalized message to express your appreciation for the conversation and suggest next steps if appropriate.

    Online networking platforms are invaluable tools in today’s globalized world but they are further complemented by the deep, personal connections forged through face-to-face interactions.

    As we navigate our professional journeys, let’s not underestimate the power of showing up, shaking hands, and engaging in meaningful conversations.

    After all, the next handshake could be the one that changes the course of your career. So, step out, attend that local event, and start building those connections that no digital tool can replicate.

    See you at the July 10th General Membership Meeting.

    July General Membership Meeting <-- Register

  • June 03, 2024 12:38 PM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    Last week, the Sonoma County Alliance Environmental Committee embarked on an insightful tour of the Recology Center. As part of our commitment to fostering sustainability and environmental stewardship in Sonoma County, this visit provided us with valuable insights into the latest advancements in waste management and recycling.

    Highlights from the Tour

    Enhanced Recovery Rates: One of the most impressive updates we learned about was the upgraded Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). With this recent upgrade, Recology now recovers an impressive 85% of materials from the inbound blue bin, compared to the previous rate of 75%. This significant improvement highlights Recology's dedication to enhancing recycling efficiency and reducing waste.

    Contamination Challenges: Despite the advancements, there are still challenges to address. Contamination and inappropriate contents in the blue bin remain issues that need our collective attention. It's crucial for all of us to be mindful of what we place in our recycling bins to ensure the effectiveness of the recycling process.

    Sorting Made Easy: Recology has made it easier than ever to determine the correct bin for your waste. If you're unsure about where to toss an item, you can look it up using their handy guide on their website. This tool helps ensure that recyclables are properly sorted, reducing contamination and improving recovery rates.

    Fun Facts from Recology

    During our tour, we discovered some fascinating facts about Recology and their operations. Here are three interesting tidbits:

    1. Innovative Composting: Recology processes over 700,000 tons of organic materials each year, transforming food scraps and yard trimmings into nutrient-rich compost. This compost is then used to enrich soils, supporting local agriculture and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

    2. Art from Waste: Recology’s Artist in Residence Program has been running for over 30 years, allowing artists to create works from materials found in the waste stream. This unique program not only promotes recycling and reuse but also inspires creativity and raises awareness about waste reduction.

    3. Energy Production: Recology's operations also contribute to renewable energy. Methane gas captured from their landfill operations is converted into electricity, powering thousands of homes in the area. This innovative approach helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and supports sustainable energy initiatives.

    Get Involved and Learn More

    Our Environmental Committee is active and always looking for ways to engage and network with community members who share our passion for sustainability. Joining our tours and events is a fantastic way to learn, connect, and contribute to a greener Sonoma County.

    Recology offers presentations and tours, providing an excellent opportunity for businesses, schools, and community groups to gain a deeper understanding of waste management and recycling processes. Details for scheduling a tour or presentation are available on the attached card.


    The tour of the Recology Center was an enlightening experience for our Environmental Committee, reinforcing our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. By working together and staying informed, we can make a significant impact on reducing waste and promoting recycling in our community.

    Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved with the Sonoma County Alliance. Let’s continue to work towards a sustainable and vibrant future for Sonoma County!

  • May 24, 2024 9:01 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires embracing innovative technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of these advancements, offering a plethora of opportunities to maximize efficiency and drive growth. At the Sonoma County Alliance, we believe in empowering our members with the latest tools and knowledge to thrive. Here's how AI can revolutionize your business operations.

    1. Streamlining Operations

    AI technologies, such as machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics, can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends. This capability enables businesses to streamline operations by predicting demand, optimizing supply chains, and improving inventory management. For instance, AI can forecast sales trends, helping businesses stock the right products at the right time, reducing waste, and ensuring customer satisfaction.

    2. Enhancing Customer Service

    AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are transforming customer service by providing instant, round-the-clock support. These tools can handle a wide range of inquiries, from answering frequently asked questions to assisting with order tracking. By automating routine tasks, AI frees up human agents to focus on more complex and personalized customer interactions, improving overall service quality and efficiency.

    3. Boosting Marketing Efforts

    AI can revolutionize marketing strategies by providing deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. Tools like AI-driven analytics can segment audiences, personalize marketing campaigns, and optimize advertising spend. By targeting the right customers with the right messages at the right times, businesses can increase engagement, drive conversions, and maximize return on investment.

    4. Improving Decision-Making

    Data-driven decision-making is critical in today's business environment. AI can process and analyze data faster and more accurately than humans, providing actionable insights that inform strategic decisions. Whether it's identifying market trends, assessing financial risks, or evaluating business performance, AI-powered tools can support leaders in making informed, timely decisions that drive growth and efficiency.

    5. Enhancing Employee Productivity

    AI can take over repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing employees to focus on higher-value work. From automating administrative tasks to providing advanced tools for data analysis, AI enhances productivity and enables employees to leverage their skills and creativity more effectively. This shift not only improves operational efficiency but also boosts employee satisfaction and retention.

    6. Ensuring Cybersecurity

    As businesses become more digital, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. AI can enhance cybersecurity by detecting and responding to threats in real-time. Machine learning algorithms can identify unusual patterns of behavior, flagging potential security breaches before they cause significant damage. This proactive approach helps businesses protect their sensitive data and maintain customer trust.

    7. Facilitating Innovation

    AI is a powerful tool for driving innovation. By analyzing market trends and consumer preferences, AI can identify new opportunities for product development and service enhancements. Businesses can leverage AI to experiment with new ideas, test prototypes, and bring innovative solutions to market faster. This agility is crucial in maintaining a competitive edge and meeting evolving customer needs.

    Embracing the Future with AI

    The potential of AI to transform business operations and maximize efficiency is immense. By adopting AI technologies, Sonoma County businesses can streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth. At the Sonoma County Alliance, we are committed to supporting our members in harnessing the power of AI. Join us in exploring the endless possibilities AI offers and take your business to new heights.

    For more information on how AI can benefit your business join us at the AI Workshop!

  • December 14, 2023 2:10 PM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    This month, we had the pleasure of hosting five influential community leaders who graciously shared their insights on the 2023 industry landscape and highlighted key trends anticipated for 2024. Our esteemed speakers were:

    1. Amy Christopherson Bolten, representing Christopherson Builders
    2. Briana Ekandem, Chief HR Officer at Providence Northern California
    3. Brian Reed, President and CEO of Summit State Bank
    4. Claudia Vecchio, CEO of Sonoma County Tourism
    5. Dick Dowd, Co-Chair of the SoCo Alliance Water Supply Committee

    Each speaker delivered a concise presentation, setting the stage for an engaging question and answer session. If you couldn't attend, don't worry—you can catch the entire event in this video. Short on time? Dive into the highlights from each industry segment below.

    Looking ahead, mark your calendar for our upcoming General Membership Meeting on January 3rd. We're thrilled to welcome back Dr. Robert Eyler as our special guest speaker, offering valuable insights into the economic forecast. Secure your spot by pre-registering, and we'll ensure there's a seat waiting for you. Don't miss out on this enlightening session!


    Amy Christopherson Bolten, from Christopherson Builders, spoke on the new homes residential market. She shared a recent comment by a city leader in Santa Rosa who mentioned that we haven’t had a normal housing cycle in 15 years, 1st we get the Great Recession, then the Fires, COVID shut down, now all the affordable housing mandates from the state. The market in not stabilized, now the highest interest rates in decades is throwing a wrench into everything. With lower rates and higher housing costs for so long, this gave the market the perception of having more affordable housing opportunities. Not with the higher interest rates now . Added cost of regulations from all levels of government has given Santa Rosa the distinction of being one of the least affordable housing markets in the United States. State and Local  governments have shifted their attitudes and have been trying to make it less expensive to live here, but with the various regulations at all levels of government as well as the increases in costs of materials and labor it is not working. 2023 with the raising interest rates seemed to freeze the new home market given the higher cost of money to borrow for construction and all the added costs. In 2024, the key will be having the interest rates coming down, and recognizing that the single family detached homes are under supply while we see all the high density apartments being built.  She is encouraged to see new life in downtown Santa Rosa with all the in-fill high density housing though.

    Briana Ekandem, Chief HR Officer Providence Northern California spoke on the challenges faced with retaining their care givers, the cost of housing challenges on those moving here, and efforts to retain those during and after their first year of employment. Providence has restructured and consolidated their operation in Northern California with the appointment of Gary Olney as their Chief Executive, with oversight of all six hospitals within Providence’s Northern California service area. Briana discussed their employee engagement and how they can improve with going from an annual to quarterly surveys for feedback and hav more frequent check ins with their care givers. Her focus is on turnover, engagement and retention as her key priorities. Briana garnered much attention, receiving the overwhelming majority of questions form the audience, which she addressed very well.

    Brian Reed, President and CEO of Summit State Bank, made the following observations about our banking market. $9 trillion was pumped into the economy primarily to the banking system. Banks expected that to be short lived since the stimulus and PPP were to pay for business expenses and investment but about $5 trillion remained through 2022. Many would argue that this represents the excess in those programs as they were pushed out quickly. This resulted in banks being very liquid and able to lend to help prop up the economy. With the ensuing supply chain issues resulting in high inflation, the Feds started increasing interest rates ultimately over 5% higher on the Fed Funds Rate. Prime rate increases mirrored those and longer term treasuries also moved up but not as much. This resulted in less real estate transactions penciling out and more caution around investing for business growth. People and businesses were sitting on more cash and with the higher interest rates began seeking yield. This led to money flowing out of the banking system and the money that stayed was at a much higher cost. In March go this year when several large banks failed, the result was much more stringent examinations from regulators. With less liquidity and more stringent regulatory oversight, bank lending has pulled back which does not help economic growth. He expects the beginning of 2024 to reflect a similar trend with a possible easing once the Feds start reducing rates (which many now fell it will be as early as end of the 1Q).

    Claudia Vecchio, CEO of the Sonoma County Tourism - Tourism has been very volatile these past 6 years with the fires, floods, pandemic and everything else that we’ve been in crisis mode. We didn’t fare too poorly at the end of the pandemic, as a destination location from those in SFO and the urban areas came in droves. This kept the life blood of Sonoma County visitors going. We were an area that was wide open and did better than other areas. 2022 turned out to be a record year for Sonoma County, with $2.3 Billion contributed to the overall economy in visitor spending at retail, restaurants and hotels. $8 million was budgeted during pandemic and $12 million after the pandemic which in 2023 big projects were brought to the county, including the Today Show in April. 2023 rain early and often saw tourism down 20-25% year over year. Why? Well, seems many used that time to visit Europe and other out of state destinations, wine industry and local economy was down here.working on a 10 years Master Plan and in 2024, it is anyone’s guess what impacts will happen to tourism locally

    Dick Dowd - Co-Chair (with Marlene Soiland) of the SoCo Alliance Water Supply Committee - Our Committee has been meeting for the past 2 years reviewing our Water Crisis that we will be facing in the future. Historically, there are 5 counties - Marin, Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake and to some extent Humboldt Counties, that our water is tied to.  By way of operation to supply water to retail customers, is simple - when it rains, we catch it, put it behind dams and during the drier weather part of the year we feed into the Eel and Russian River to supply the water. When not getting enough rain, water supply is in jeopardy.  The past 2 years we’ve met with Sonoma Water, the city of Santa Rosa, and others in finding ways to get water year round recognizing it will be a challenge. PGE has petitioned to close down the hydro feeding system water from the Eel River that flows into the upper Russian River that is going to stop.  Potter Valley area is totally dependent on water coming into Lake Mendocino and behind Van Arsdale Dam at the South Fork of the Eel River in Ukiah. Those with Agricultural interests in that area will be impacted, and water supply to Cloverdale and Healdsburg fed by that supply of water also will be in dire conditions. Santa Rosa, Marin and North Marin need to find a way to capture water when raining and save if for the rest of the year.  Santa Rosa is looking at Aquifer Storage and Recovery system that would remove water when the rain season ends, but the big thing is it would have around a $600 million price tag. Who pays? The game plan at this point is Sonoma Water along with the Mendocino Water & Power Commission to find federal and state assistance and/or grants to soften the burden on rate payers. 2024 should see some actions being put into place, stay tuned…..

    Notes recorded by Ross Liscum, Sonoma County Alliance Board of Directors

  • October 03, 2023 9:58 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)


    September 26, 2023

    Dear Members of the School Board,

    We are writing to express our strong support for the return of School Resource Officers (SROs) to our high schools in Santa Rosa. After a recent meeting with Santa Rosa's Chief of Police John Cregan, it has become evident that the Police Department is willing to collaborate and find a middle ground that ensures the safety and security of our students while also addressing the concerns of our community.

    In recent years, we have witnessed an alarming increase in the presence of firearms within our community and, regrettably, a rise in threats of violence within our schools. These developments have created an environment of uncertainty and fear, affecting the learning experience for our students and causing distress among parents and educators.

    Returning SRO officers to our high schools represents a proactive step towards ensuring a safer and more secure educational environment for our students. The presence of SRO officers has the potential to not only deters threats but also provides valuable resources for students in need of guidance and support.

    We would like to emphasize that Chief John Cregan and the Police Department have shown a genuine commitment to addressing the concerns of our community and working collaboratively with the school district to create an environment where all students feel safe and supported. This willingness to compromise and adapt to the needs of our schools demonstrates a sincere dedication to the well-being of our children.

    By returning SRO officers to our high schools, we are taking a proactive stance to address the pressing issue of school safety. It is imperative that we provide our students with an environment in

     Sonoma County Alliance

  • August 23, 2023 11:42 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    Sent: August 11, 2023

    ToChris Coursey, James GoreSusan Gorin, Lynda HopkinsDavid Rabbitt 

    Re: Support for Potter Valley Project proposal by Sonoma Water group and Request for continued project support

    Dear Sonoma Water Board of Directors:

    The Sonoma County Alliance was originally formed to advocate for the creation of Warm Springs Dam to provide a sustainable and resilient water supply for our region.  We continue this work today through our Water Supply Committee which stays informed about water issues that impact the business community in Sonoma County.  The mission of our committee includes being involved with decision and policy makers, becoming educated, and bringing information forward to Alliance leadership and membership. 

    The Water Supply Committee has been closely following local water supply and resiliency efforts as well as state-wide trends.  A variety of water experts have provided us with a deeper look at water issues, including meetings with Sonoma Water. 

    Today we met with PG&E to understand their timeline and position on the Potter Valley Project.  We are encouraged by the bold and visionary approach the Sonoma Water group presented to continue diversion to the Russian River while allowing fish passage.  The Sonoma County Alliance is supportive of this proposed pathway forward and we request your continued support for this appropriate and important project.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Sonoma County Alliance

    Janet Connors, 2023 President

    Water Supply Committee Co-Chairs:  Dick Dowd & Marlene Soiland

    Committee members:  Lisa Badenfort, Harry Davitian, Art Deicke, Joe Gaffney, Mark Hale, Ken Lafranchi, Brian Ling, Ross Liscum, Mike Martini, Curt Nichols, Tawny Tesconi

  • August 07, 2023 8:36 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    The Board of Directors of the Sonoma County Alliance is delighted to announce Ty Mooney as the organization's new Executive Director. Mooney has been an integral part of the Sonoma County Alliance since October 2022 as the Membership & Events Director and quickly advanced to her new position effective July 19,2023.  

    2023 President Janet Connors expressed her enthusiasm for the appointment, saying,  "We couldn't be more thrilled to welcome Ty into her new role as Executive Director. Ty's remarkable contributions during her tenure as Membership & Events Director have been invaluable to the organization. Her dedication, visionary leadership, and unwavering commitment to our mission have already made a significant impact in the organization. With Ty at the helm, I am certain that the Sonoma County Alliance will flourish as we work together to achieve our shared vision for Sonoma County.”

    Mooney, a resident of Petaluma, CA, brings a wealth of experience in the nonprofit sector working as an employee and contractor for Sonoma County non-profits for nearly 10 years. Her expertise in leadership, communication, and marketing will undoubtedly prove to be instrumental in advancing the mission of the Sonoma County Alliance.

    In addition to her professional accomplishments, Ty has actively contributed to the community as a youth coach, sports program director, Boosters President, foster parent and serves on the Sonoma County Democratic Fundraising Committee.

    Mooney expressed her excitement about her new role, saying, “I feel an immense sense of honor and gratitude to lead an organization with such a rich history of community service, dating back to 1975. The Sonoma County Alliance has been a driving force in advocating for the betterment of our economy and environment, and it fills me with pride to be part of this legacy.” 

    Members of the Board of Directors are confident that Mooney's strong leadership abilities and dedication to the community will not only build on the Alliance's current successes but also chart a new course for the organization's growth and impact.

    “As the new Executive Director, I am thrilled to be stepping into this exciting period of growth and change for the Alliance,” Mooney said. “It is a time full of opportunities to make a lasting impact, and I am eager to embrace the challenges ahead. Together with our dedicated Board of Directors and passionate members, we will continue to diversify and expand our membership, ensuring that we can continue to effectively advocate for our county needs.”

    About Sonoma County Alliance: The Sonoma County Alliance is a prominent organization dedicated to promoting the overall welfare and prosperity of Sonoma County through cooperation, dialogue, and collaboration with businesses, residents, and government entities. By fostering partnerships and advocating for impactful policies, the Alliance works to create a thriving and inclusive community.

    For media inquiries or more information, please contact: Ty Mooney, Executive Director Sonoma County Alliance 707-338-4767 | |

  • April 12, 2023 10:43 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    As part of our literacy initiative, the Sonoma County Alliance Education Committee has purchased a Book Vending Machine for Abraham Lincoln Elementary School in Santa Rosa.

    Why Abraham Lincoln Elementary School?

    Abraham Lincoln Elementary School serves 270 students grade K-6th. Of the student population 97% belong to a minority group and 84% are from limited-income families, eligible for free or reduced lunch programs.*

    At Abraham Lincoln Elementary School, only 15%-19% of students are achieving proficiency in reading/language arts. That is 36% lower than the average California State School. *

    "The Sonoma County Alliance Education Committee's funding of a Book Vending Machine is part of their initiative to bring equity to education and remove financial barriers for children and families who need it most." - Ty Mooney, Director of Events and Membership

    The Book Vending Machine has the familiar look of a snack vending machine but dispenses books using a token system. Students are awarded tokens from their teachers for academic achievements and good behavior.

    Through the book vending machines the Education Committee is supporting the school in providing access to quality reading material, improve literacy skills, support academic success, and promote a love of reading.

    "We purchased the book vending machine at Lincoln Elementary in hopes of making reading more fun and entertaining for students." - Michael Menenedez, Co-Chair of Education Committee (Co-Committee Chair is Jason Lea, Ed.D.)

    The Education Committee gives all of the 100% tax deductible donations directly to the schools answering teachers wish lists and providing supplies and tools to use in the classroom. 

    To learn more about the Sonoma County Alliance's Education Committee and to support our partnership with local schools, please join us on June 10th for our annual fundraiser Bocce for Books.

    Enjoy great food & drinks from Taft Street Winery, an incredible auction, and Bocce for KIDS!

    Register here >

    *data provided by

  • March 29, 2023 9:11 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    Yesterday the Sonoma County Alliance Environmental Committee sat down with CEO of Sonoma Clean Power Geof Syphers for a tour of their eco friendly offices and a discussion on the agency's renewable energy initiatives.

    Sonoma Clean Power is a public agency that provides electricity to Sonoma and Mendocino County customers. Syphers discussed the formation of Sonoma Clean Power and the cost savings for customers, including those who have solar power systems. He also discussed the agency's experiments with geothermal energy in GeoZones and other renewable energy options like wind and hydro.

    In addition, the committee had the opportunity to tour the GridOptimal building, which uses a microgrid to provide reliable and sustainable energy. The building was impressive and Syphers passion around creating bright, lively, and comfortable community spaces for his team was inspiring. 

    The biggest conversation of the day was around the agency's plan to invest in geothermal power. This exciting development in the realm of renewable energy could have a significant impact on the county's carbon footprint and offer new avenues for sustainable economic growth.

    Geothermal energy is generated by harnessing the natural heat below the surface of the earth. By tapping into this heat, geothermal systems can provide a reliable and consistent source of energy while dramatically cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike solar and wind power, which are dependent on the availability of sunlight and wind, geothermal energy is available 24/7, making it an attractive option for meeting the needs of both residential and commercial customers.

    The potential benefits of geothermal energy for Sonoma County are significant. Not only does it offer a clean source of energy, but it could also provide a boost to the local economy. The geothermal industry is growing rapidly, and investing in this technology could create new jobs and stimulate economic growth. 

    Want more on the Environmental Committee? Join us for our upcoming meetings:

    • May 23 from 12-1:30pm with special presenter Anne Morkill of the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation to talk about the Grant from Sonoma Water for creek restoration. 
    • July 25 from 12-1:30pm with Suzanne Smith, Executive Director of the Regional Climate Protection Authority and Tanya Narath, Director of Climate Programs for an update on strategic plan and community programs. 
  • February 20, 2023 1:10 PM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

    In a 2020 poll released by Public Policy Institute of California, voters stated that homelessness was the top issue facing California.

    Now, after facing multiple wildfires and a global pandemic there is a visible increase of unhoused individuals in our community confirming that in 2023, homelessness is still a top issue.

    In fact…. just this morning the Press Democrat released an article about the Board of Supervisors holding a special meeting tomorrow to discuss the possibility of creating two managed camps at the Santa Rosa Veterans Building for unhoused individuals on the Joe Rodota trail.

    Although it seems we are dealing with a moving target, I find hope in stories like Bradly Browns, a formerly homeless individual who changed his stars with the help of some incredible local programs and services.

    There is a seat saved for you at our next program, A Discussion on Homelessness set for March 1st. Join us as we learn more about the complexities of this delicate issue and the opportunities we have to play a role in its solution.

    I hope to see you there.

    Register Now

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Contact Ty Mooney, Executive Director for questions (707) 338-4767 or

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