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Exploring the Potential of Geothermal Energy: Sonoma Clean Power's Plan for a Sustainable Future

March 29, 2023 9:11 AM | Ty Mooney (Administrator)

Yesterday the Sonoma County Alliance Environmental Committee sat down with CEO of Sonoma Clean Power Geof Syphers for a tour of their eco friendly offices and a discussion on the agency's renewable energy initiatives.

Sonoma Clean Power is a public agency that provides electricity to Sonoma and Mendocino County customers. Syphers discussed the formation of Sonoma Clean Power and the cost savings for customers, including those who have solar power systems. He also discussed the agency's experiments with geothermal energy in GeoZones and other renewable energy options like wind and hydro.

In addition, the committee had the opportunity to tour the GridOptimal building, which uses a microgrid to provide reliable and sustainable energy. The building was impressive and Syphers passion around creating bright, lively, and comfortable community spaces for his team was inspiring. 

The biggest conversation of the day was around the agency's plan to invest in geothermal power. This exciting development in the realm of renewable energy could have a significant impact on the county's carbon footprint and offer new avenues for sustainable economic growth.

Geothermal energy is generated by harnessing the natural heat below the surface of the earth. By tapping into this heat, geothermal systems can provide a reliable and consistent source of energy while dramatically cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike solar and wind power, which are dependent on the availability of sunlight and wind, geothermal energy is available 24/7, making it an attractive option for meeting the needs of both residential and commercial customers.

The potential benefits of geothermal energy for Sonoma County are significant. Not only does it offer a clean source of energy, but it could also provide a boost to the local economy. The geothermal industry is growing rapidly, and investing in this technology could create new jobs and stimulate economic growth. 

Want more on the Environmental Committee? Join us for our upcoming meetings:

  • May 23 from 12-1:30pm with special presenter Anne Morkill of the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation to talk about the Grant from Sonoma Water for creek restoration. 
  • July 25 from 12-1:30pm with Suzanne Smith, Executive Director of the Regional Climate Protection Authority and Tanya Narath, Director of Climate Programs for an update on strategic plan and community programs. 

Contact Ty Mooney, Executive Director for questions (707) 338-4767 or

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