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What is the Business Alliance Sonoma County?

Formerly known as the Sonoma County Alliance, Business Alliance Sonoma County is a coalition of business, agriculture, labor and individuals incorporated to encourage a healthy economy, maintain a sound environment, protect private property rights and promote a responsive political process. The Alliance accomplishes these goals through education and advocacy. 

Our Mission

Our Community Roots

The Alliance traces its roots back to 1975 when we brought six community groups together to promote the building of the Warm Springs Dam and Lake Sonoma. The success of this venture lead to the formation of the organization.

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48 Years of Community

Nearly half a century The Alliance has been effective at identifying, monitoring, and influencing on various issues impacting the county, with a focus on improving the economy, protecting the environment, enhancing the county’s infrastructure, and supporting education, to improve the overall quality of life in Sonoma County.

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Representing YOU!

Today The Alliance reflects virtually every sector of society, including representatives from business, non-profits, fire, police, city employees, and union officials AND there is still room at our table. 

Elevate your voice as a member. 

Become a Member

Contact Ty Mooney, Executive Director for questions (707) 338-4767 or

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