During the past decade, the Sonoma County Alliance’s Reward Fund has provided funds to combat local crimes totaling over $44,000 to credible tipsters whose leads helped investigators solve open cases.
In cooperation with law enforcement agencies – including the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department and the county’s 9 municipal police departments – 45 recipients who came forward to assist investigators have been rewarded since 2012. They received rewards ranging from $250 to $5,000, helping to solve homicides, robberies, narcotics-related cases, and vandalism, while also helping law enforcement get dozens of illegal firearms off the streets.
Sonoma County Alliance leaders established the reward fund in 2005 with $15,000 in donations from the North Coast Builders Exchange, the Airport Business Center, and other Alliance members who pitched in. The fund has gradually grown to its current floating balance of $21,500, thanks to contributions which Alliance members may opt into when renewing their annual dues.
Each partnering law enforcement agency may now offer up to $2,500 per case to incentivize leads in difficult-to-solve crimes. The Sonoma County Alliance Board of Directors serve as fiscal stewards of the fund and have no influence over how investigators choose the cases eligible for a reward offer.